25.5.24 14:00

These talks will be conducted through the medium of Welsh

The first of three talks by pioneers in the Welsh music scene. Spend the afternoon in the company of a First Welsh DJ: Mici Plwm. Talk and reminisce about the Welsh music scene.

BOOK: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/…/sgwrs-bur-aeth-1-ddoe-yn

Bür Aeth Talk #2 ” Dafydd Pierce’s Musical Journey ”

1.6.24 14:00

The second conversation will be about talented guitarist and producer Dafydd Pierce. Spend the afternoon listening to Dafydds memories as he discusses playing on Chris Jaggers sessions in Los Angeles, returning to Wales and playing with Bran, setting up studios in Croesor and Cardiff and more.

Book: Sgwrs Bür Aeth #2 ” Teithiau cerddorol Dafydd Pierce ” Tickets, Sat, Jun 1, 2024 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite

Bür Aeth Talk #3  Eurof Williams: Memories of the Welsh rock scene of the 1970s

8.6.24 14:00

The final conversation in the series will be about musician, producer and band manager Eurof Williams. Spend the afternoon listening to Eurofs memories as he discusses the early days of Welsh rock scene, producing and cofounding the label Gwawr with Tony and Aloma, producing BBC radio shows, overseeing the record of Voices by the Restoration movement, managing the Red Noses and more.

Book: Sgwrs Bür Aeth #3 ‘Atgofion Eurof Williams o sin roc Cymru yn y1970au’ Tickets, Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite